ccZnO rho_ZnO/M_ZnO "Compact ZnO concentration" cNaCl_deliq (-25.12*RH_deliq+25.253)[mol/kg]*(1823.2-814.38*RH_deliq)*(-0.0004[1/K]*T_ref+1.1193)[kg/m^3] "NaCl concentration in neutral solution at RH at T_ref" cNaCl_ref_Zn 3.5[%]*1[g/cm^3]/M_NaCl "Reference NaCl concentration for Zn dissolution" cNaCl_spray 1[%]*1[g/cm^3]/M_NaCl "1 wt% NaCl spray" cO2_sat_ref 0.18[mol/m^3] "Saturation concentration of oxygen in 3.5 wt% aqueous NaCl solution at T_ref" d_film_spray 100e-6[m] "Film thickness during spray" Ea 50[kJ/mol] "Kinetics activation energy" h_sample 5[cm] "Sample height" kCO2 1[1/s] "Rate for CO2 buffering from air dissolution in thin film" kfZnO 1e4[mol/m^2/s] "Reaction rate constant for ZnO precipitation" kSpray 10/(2*3600[s]) "Spray rate constant for the formation of a 100 mym liquid film, replenished approx. 10 times during each spraying period" LD 0.00071[kg/m^2] "NaCl load density for 100 mym film with 1 wt% NaCl (at RH_spray)" M_NaCl 58.44[g/mol] "Molar mass of NaCl" M_Zn 65.38[g/mol] "Molar mass of Zn" M_ZnO 81.37[g/mol] "Molar mass of ZnO" mtot_surf ccZnO*LZnO_surf "Total molar metal surface availability per surface area for ZnO precipitation" pCO2 3.2e-4[atm] "Partial pressure CO2 in atmosphere" RH_deliq 0.755 "Deliquescence RH for NaCl, temperature independent approximation" RH_spray 0.9985 "RH set during spraying for 1 wt% NaCl solution (171 mol/m^3) at T_ref" rho_Zn 7.14[g/cm^3] "Density of zinc" rho_ZnO 5.61[g/cm^3] "Density of ZnO" T_ref 25[degC] "Reference temperature" w_sample 2[cm] "Sample width" h_scratch 0.1[mm] "Scratch size" V0 0.6[V] "Initial value setting of electrolyte potential" cNaCl0 0.01[mol/m^3] "Initial NaCl concentration" cCO30 HCO2_init*pCO2*(4e-6[m^3/mol]*cNaCl0+0.0388) "Initial total carbonate concentration" HCO2_init 0.0454*(1.6616-5.736e-2*(T_init[1/K]-273)+1.031e-3*(T_init[1/K]-273)^2-9.68e-6*(T_init[1/K]-273)^3+4.471e-8*(T_init[1/K]-273)^4-7.912e-11*(T_init[1/K]-273)^5)[M/atm] "Initial value of Henry's constant" T_init 308.15[K] "Temperature at the beginning of ACT cycle" LZnO_surf 0.1[um] "Thickness ZnO corrosion product fully passivating the surface" ramp_loc cNaCl_deliq-cNaCl_deliq*0.1[%]*2 "Ramp location" ramp_sl 1/cNaCl_deliq/0.1[%]/2 "Ramp slope" ramp_co 0.9999 "Ramp cutoff" ramp_sm cNaCl_deliq*0.1[%] "Ramp transition smoothing"