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A numerical ellipsometric analysis (NEA) of nanoscale layered systems

Giuseppe Emanuele Lio, CNR-Nanotec and Unical, Univeristy of Calabria, Rende, Cosenza

A simple and robust method able to predict, with high accuracy, the optical properties of single and multi- layer nanostructures is presented. The method exploits a COMSOL Multiphysics simulation platform and it
has been validated by three case studies with increasing numerical complexity: i) a single thin layer (20 nm) of Ag deposited on a glass substrate; ii) a metamaterial composed of ve bi-layers of Ag/ITO (Indium Tin Oxide), with a thickness of 20 nm each; iii) a system based on a three-materials unit cell (AZO/ITO/Ag), but without any thickness periodicity (AZO stands for Al2O3/Zinc Oxide). Numerical results have been compared with experimental data provided by real ellipsometric measurements performed on the above mentioned nanostructures ad-hoc fabricated[1]. The obtained agreement is excellent suggesting this research as a valid approach to design materials able to work in a broad spectrum range.

[1]G. E. Lio, G. Palermo, R. Caputo, and A. De Luca, \A compre-
hensive optical analysis of nanoscale structures: from thin lms to
asymmetric nanocavities," RSC Advances 9, 21429{21437 (2019).

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User Comments

May 2, 2020 at 1:23pm UTC

can this process lead to the modelization of a multilayer system in acoustics? It's a great Job an article you published. If we can exchange on that because I am working on a similar topic and paper

Giuseppe E. Lio
Entry submitter
May 11, 2020 at 4:28pm UTC

Dear Daliwa,
Please contact me directly using my e-mail
Thank you.

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