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Giving material properties as parameters

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I wanted to know if it is possible to give material properties as parameters. I wish to perform a parametric sweep with the dielectric constant as my paramater in an electrostatics model. But I am unable to define the parameters and the error "Unknown variable mod1.mat5.epsilonr" is popping up.

1 Reply Last Post Dec 29, 2014, 8:26 a.m. EST

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Posted: 1 decade ago Dec 29, 2014, 8:26 a.m. EST
I think you can try by the following steps:
1. Define the dielectric constant in Global Definitions as parameter, as e for example.
2. Fill e in the dielectric constant blank in material properties.
3. Add parametric sweep in Study 1, select e and define the range.
Hi, I think you can try by the following steps: 1. Define the dielectric constant in Global Definitions as parameter, as e for example. 2. Fill e in the dielectric constant blank in material properties. 3. Add parametric sweep in Study 1, select e and define the range.

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