Supersonic Air-to-Air Ejector
Application ID: 43921
In this study, the compressible turbulent flow through a supersonic ejector is modeled using the High Mach Number Flow interface in the CFD Module.
Ejectors are simple mechanical components used for a wide range of applications, including industrial refrigeration, vacuum generation, gas recirculation, and thrust augmentation in aircraft propulsion systems.
Ejectors induce a secondary flow by momentum and energy transfer from a high-velocity primary jet. The high-energy fluid (primary flow) passes through a convergent-divergent nozzle and reaches supersonic conditions.
After exiting the nozzle, it interacts with the secondary flow and is accelerated through an entrainment-induced effect. The mixing between both flows takes place along a constant-area duct called the mixing chamber where complex interactions between the mixing layer and shocks can be observed. A diffuser is usually placed before the outlet to recover pressure and bring the flow back to stagnation.

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