Fluid Dynamic Modeling in Oven Chambers: Balancing Accuracy and Computational Efficiency
This study focuses on comparing various fluid dynamic models for analyzing airflows within the cooking chamber of an oven. The comparison is conducted in three steps. First, a study of the fan directly connected to a test tube in suction mode, discharging radially into free space. Second, a comprehensive simulation of the fan within the actual application, i.e., the oven. Third, a similar analysis to the second step but with the velocity profile imposed, derived from the initial study. The data were analyzed and the discrepancies between the results were verified by comparing the histograms of the resulting velocity fields corresponding to the trays. This comparison showed a reasonable matching between the comprehensive simulation and the imposed velocity profile analysis. Thus, while the comprehensive approach is necessary for extremely accurate simulations, the velocity profile approach offers a sufficiently valid alternative that significantly reduces computational time, making it an efficient technique for faster estimations.

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