In accordance with our Quality Policy, COMSOL maintains a library of hundreds of documented model examples that are regularly tested against the latest version of the COMSOL Multiphysics® software, including benchmark problems from ASME and NAFEMS, as well as TEAM problems.
Our Verification and Validation (V&V) test suite provides consistently accurate solutions that are compared against analytical results and established benchmark data. The documented models below are part of the COMSOL Multiphysics® software’s built-in Application Libraries. They include reference values and sources for a wide range of benchmarks, as well as step-by-step instructions to reproduce the expected results on your own computer. You can use these models not only to document your software quality assurance (SQA) and numerical code verification (NCV) efforts, but also as part of an in-house training program.
In this model the high speed turbulent gas flow in a converging and diverging nozzle is modeled using the High Mach Number Flow interface. The diffuser is transonic in the sense that the flow at the inlet is subsonic, but due to the contraction and the low outlet pressure, the flow ... Read More
This three-phase induction motor model is used to compare with Testing Electromagnetic Analysis Method (TEAM) workshop problem 30. The Magnetic Fields physics interface is used to model the motor in the frequency domain at 60 Hz. The Velocity (Lorentz Term) feature is used to model the ... Read More
This example shows how to use the Parameter Estimation and Experiment features in the Reaction Engineering interface for optimization with multiple experimental data input files. The application finds the Arrhenius parameters of a first order reaction where Benzene diazonium chloride ... Read More
The model is defined as a benchmark case in norm 15026:2007 annex A. The purpose of the model is to calculate the temperature and moisture profiles at different times after a change in the external conditions (temperature and relative humidity) inside a wall material (kind of concrete). ... Read More
The double barrier structure is of interest because of its application in semiconductor devices such as resonant-tunneling diodes. This verification example demonstrates the Schrödinger Equation interface to set up a simple 1D GaAs/AlGaAs double barrier structure to analyze the ... Read More
This example illustrates the use of the Maxwell-Stefan diffusion model available with the Transport of Concentrated Species interface. It models multicomponent gas-phase diffusion in a Stefan tube in 1D. In this case, it is a liquid mixture of acetone and methanol that evaporates into ... Read More
When modeling the propagation of charged particle beams at high currents and relativistic speeds, the space charge and beam current create significant electric and magnetic forces that tend to expand and focus the beam, respectively. The Charged Particle Tracing interface uses an ... Read More
In a redox flow battery electrochemical energy is stored as redox couples in the electrolyte, which is stored in tanks outside the electrochemical cell. During operation, electrolyte is pumped through the cell and, due to the electrochemical reactions, the individual concentrations of ... Read More
This example applies an Oldroyd-B fluid to model the thinning of a viscoelastic filament under the action of surface tension. For times smaller than the polymer relaxation time, the filament develops a beads-on-string structure. At times much larger than the relaxation time, the solution ... Read More
The vibration modes of a thin or thick circular disc are well known, and it is possible to compute the corresponding eigenfrequencies to arbitrary precision from a series solution. The same is true for the acoustic modes of an air-filled cylinder with perfectly rigid walls. A more ... Read More