In accordance with our Quality Policy, COMSOL maintains a library of hundreds of documented model examples that are regularly tested against the latest version of the COMSOL Multiphysics® software, including benchmark problems from ASME and NAFEMS, as well as TEAM problems.
Our Verification and Validation (V&V) test suite provides consistently accurate solutions that are compared against analytical results and established benchmark data. The documented models below are part of the COMSOL Multiphysics® software’s built-in Application Libraries. They include reference values and sources for a wide range of benchmarks, as well as step-by-step instructions to reproduce the expected results on your own computer. You can use these models not only to document your software quality assurance (SQA) and numerical code verification (NCV) efforts, but also as part of an in-house training program.
This model couples the Navier Stokes equations and the heat transfer equations to examine density driven flow of free fluids. Here the fluid is in a square cavity with a heated wall. The buoyancy force is a Boussinesq term added to the Navier-Stokes equations. The equation is ... Read More
This example shows a 2D plane stress model of a thin tapered cantilever. Different boundary and load scenarios are examined. It is demonstrated how to apply and how to evaluate different load and constraint groups. Resulting stresses are compared to NAFEMS benchmark values and they are ... Read More
This model solves Poisson's equation on a unit disk with a point source at the origin. The mesh density is higher close to the origin to resolve the singularity. The computed solution is compared to the analytical solution. Read More
The Ahmed body represents a simplified, ground vehicle geometry of a bluff body type. Its shape is simple enough to allow for accurate flow simulation but retains some important practical features relevant to automobile bodies. This model describes how to calculate the turbulent flow ... Read More
This benchmark models two-phase flow in a porous medium in 1D, where the flow can be analytically described by the Buckley-Leverett equation. Read More
This model simulates a simple three-dimensional axisymmetric Helmholtz resonator, a classic acoustics model of a resonating circuit with a known theoretical solution. The idealized version considered here consists of a tube and a closed volume in series which are exposed to a pulsatile ... Read More
The goal with this app is to explain experimental electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements and to show how you can use a simulation app, along with measurements, to estimate the properties of lithium-ion batteries. The app takes measurements from an EIS experiment and ... Read More
This is the model of an occluded ear canal simulator (a generic 711 coupler). Besides certain details the geometry corresponds to the Brüel & Kjær Ear Simulator Type 4157. The real life couplers are used for simulating the acoustics of a standardized human ear canal and can be used ... Read More
This tutorial simulates a standard test and benchmark model for perfectly matched layers (PMLs) as absorbing boundary conditions in the time domain. It involves the propagation of a transient Gaussian pulse with no flow. The Pressure Acoustics, Transient interface is used together with ... Read More
This model is a benchmark for three-phase flow commonly used in food processing, pharmaceutical industry, and chemical processing. The results are validated against data reported in the literature. A gas bubble rises through two layers of liquid, a lighter liquid resting on top of a ... Read More