Analysis of a Composite Blade Using a Multiple Model Method
Application ID: 102501
This example demonstrates the modeling of a sandwiched composite blade made up of carbon–epoxy, glass–vinylester, and PVC foam materials. Three different methods are used to model the sandwich composite structure: Layerwise theory, Equivalent Single Layer (ESL) theory, and a multiple model method. Modal and frequency-response analyses are performed for the specified loading and the multiple model method is compared with the traditional layerwise and ESL theory in terms of performance and accuracy in the results, including through-thickness stress distribution.
It is shown that the layerwise theory is accurate but computationally expensive. In contrast, the ESL theory is computationally less expensive but unable to capture the accurate through thickness and the overall stress distribution. The multiple model method seems like the best choice in terms of accuracy and performance for modeling sandwich composite structures.

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