Multicomponent Tubular Reactor with Isothermal Cooling
Application ID: 20481
This application uses the Chemical Reaction Engineering Module to study an elementary, exothermic, irreversible reaction in a tubular reactor (liquid phase, laminar flow regime). To keep its temperature down, the reactor uses a cooling jacket with a constant coolant temperature. The steady-state behavior of the reactor is investigated.
The application visualizes how the Chemistry and Transport of Diluted Species interfaces, as available with the Chemical Reaction Engineering Module, can be used for simple modeling and investigation of complex reaction kinetics and multicomponent mass transfer.
The setup here can be compared to the Tubular Reactor with Nonisothermal Cooling application using the COMSOL Multiphysics base package that does not have the in-built multicomponent reaction kinetics and mass transport formulations.
This model solves the example by S. Fogler in Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering 4th ed., (Prentice Hall, 2005), p. 557 (Example 8-12 Radial Effects in Tubular Reactor)

This model example illustrates applications of this type that would nominally be built using the following products:
however, additional products may be required to completely define and model it. Furthermore, this example may also be defined and modeled using components from the following product combinations:
- COMSOL Multiphysics® and
- either the Battery Design Module, Chemical Reaction Engineering Module, Corrosion Module, Electric Discharge Module, Electrochemistry Module, Electrodeposition Module, or Fuel Cell & Electrolyzer Module and
- either the Battery Design Module, CFD Module, Chemical Reaction Engineering Module, Corrosion Module, Electrochemistry Module, Electrodeposition Module, Fuel Cell & Electrolyzer Module, Microfluidics Module, Polymer Flow Module, Porous Media Flow Module, or Subsurface Flow Module
The combination of COMSOL® products required to model your application depends on several factors and may include boundary conditions, material properties, physics interfaces, and part libraries. Particular functionality may be common to several products. To determine the right combination of products for your modeling needs, review the Specification Chart and make use of a free evaluation license. The COMSOL Sales and Support teams are available for answering any questions you may have regarding this.