Sound Field Analysis of Monumental Structures by the Application of Diffusion Equation Model
Sound energy distribution patterns within enclosed spaces are the basic concerns of architectural acoustics. Energy decays are analyzed for major acoustical parameter estimations, while spatial energy distribution and flow vectors are indicative in the analysis of sound energy circulation and concentration zones. In this study the acoustical field of a real-size multi-domed monumental structure is analyzed using a diffusion equation model (DEM) as part of a larger research project. For applying the DEM over the solid model of the superstructure, basic PDE module of COMSOL is utilized. The time dependent solution is analyzed via COMSOL slice, volume and arrow volume (flow vector) plot groups. Results highlighted specific energy accumulation zones inside the space indicating probable reasons for non-exponential sound energy decay formation. This study emphasizes finite element modeling by DEM application to be considered as a practical and scientific method of room acoustics predictions, particularly for in-depth sound field analysis.

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