Geomechanics Module Updates
For users of the Geomechanics Module, COMSOL Multiphysics® version 5.6 brings plasticity and damage improvements, in situ stress, and elliptical cap improvements. Browse these geomechanics features and more below.
Plasticity Improvements
A new node, Set Variables, is available as an attribute under the Plasticity, Porous Plasticity, Soil Plasticity, Concrete, Rocks, and Elastoplastic Soil Material nodes. These new nodes make it possible to assign values or expressions to plastic variables based upon Boolean conditions, for both small-strain and large-strain plasticity.
Damage Improvements
There are several improvements to the Damage feature including a new phase-field-based damage model for crack propagation. The news includes:
- New viscous regularization method for time-dependent analysis
- Polynomial strain softening and Multilinear strain softening available for the damage evolution laws for Scalar damage and Mazars damage for concrete
- New Phase field damage model, available in the Linear Elastic Material node in the Solid Mechanics interface
- Damage feature available in the Layered Linear Elastic Material node of the Shell interface
- Damage feature available in the Linear Elastic Material node of the Layered Shell interface
- A new model: Brittle Fracture of a Holed Plate
Evolution of the crack phase field during loading of a holed plate.
In Situ Stress
A new option to enter In-situ stresses is available for the External Stress attribute, a subnode to the Linear Elastic Material, Nonlinear Elastic Material, and Elastoplastic Soil Material models.

Improvements to the Elastoplastic Soil Models
There are several improvements to the elastoplastic soil models:
- In the Extended Barcelona Basic soil model, Poisson’s ratio is a new input, as an alternative to the shear modulus
- The initial void ratio is added as a material input for the Modified Cam-Clay, the Modified Structured Cam-Clay, and the Extended Barcelona Basic soil models
- For the Hardening Soil model, the input for the void ratio at reference pressure is replaced by the initial void ratio
Default Contour Plots
When using the Elastoplastic Soil Material model, the results will include default contour plots of the equivalent plastic strain, created inside stress plot groups. Additionally, a separate contour plot showing the void ratio is added.
New Tutorial Models
COMSOL Multiphysics® version 5.6 brings several new tutorial models to the Geomechanics Module.
Mechanical Modeling of Bentonite Clay

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Brittle Fracture of a Holed Plate
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Strength Reduction Method for Slope Stability

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Shallow Foundation on Unsaturated Soil

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