LiveLink™ for PTC Creo Parametric™ Updates
For users of LiveLink™ for PTC Creo Parametric™, COMSOL Multiphysics® version 5.6 brings two new defeaturing and repair tools, as well as a new tutorial model. Read more about these updates below.
Detect Interferences
The Detect Interferences tool, added to the Defeaturing and Repair menu, can detect interference between objects. This tool supports solid and surface objects as input and detects intersections, touches, gaps, and containments. You can see this feature demonstrated in the Creating a Fluid Domain Inside a Solid Structure tutorial model.

Check Feature
The new Check feature, added to the Defeaturing and Repair menu, can be used to detect faults in CAD objects. Add a Check node to a geometry sequence, such as after a Delete Faces operation, to confirm that no problems remain after replacing a faulty face.
No faults remain in this geometry after replacing the faulty face using the Delete Faces operation.
Support for New and Updated CAD File Format Versions
The CAD file import and export functionality has been extended to support new versions for the following file formats:
Read from File
- AutoCAD® (.dwg, .dxf): 2021
- PTC Creo Parametric™ (.prt, .asm): 7.0
- Inventor® (.ipt, .iam): 2021
- NX™ (.prt): 1899
- Parasolid® (.xt, .xb, .xmttxt, .xmtbin): 33.0
Write to File
- Parasolid® (.xt, .xb, .xmttxt, .xmtbin): 33.0
New Tutorial Model: Geometric Parameter Optimization of a Bracket
The Bracket Optimization tutorial model minimizes the mass of a bracket that is synchronized from PTC Creo Parametric™ via the LiveLink™ interface. There are limits both for the lowest natural frequency and the maximum stress in a static load case. The size and position of a number of geometrical features are changed to optimize the mass, while several geometrical constraints are enforced to maintain the design intent.

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